Friday 30 September 2011

A very Welsh cycleway

Found this on the Afan valley way between Velindre and Cwmavon and I had to laugh. Only a Welsh cycle route could have this.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Camel Portrait

Another Folly Farm photo, very obliging camel!

A mountain view

Looking over The Parsons Bridge in the Rheidol Gorge towards Bryn Bras. Taken from Erwbarfe farm campsite. Very Welsh scene.

Monday 25 July 2011

Severn Bridge

One day I'm going to get the perfect Severn bridge photo, this one is getting there but still not what I want.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Folly Farm Ostrich

Went to Folly Farm today this is the pick of the pictures.


I love this thing . For three reasons. Someone made a piece of granite into a perfect (or as near as makes no difference) sphere. It weighs half a ton and you can move it with your fingertips. It's also stunningly beautiful.